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URL parsing


Since version 2.0.0, navigation state and region(s) selected has been significantly redesigned.

While the the URL parsing engine should still be backwards compatible, users should update their bookmarks/links.

The interactive atlas viewer uses query parameters to store some of the viewer state. As a result, users can share or bookmark the URL, easily collaborating with other users in an interactive environment.

However, expert users may want to generate custom state URLs.

This document explains how the URL parsing in the Interactive Atlas Viewer work.

Query Parameters

Query param


Describes the selected template. URI encoded value of the name of the selected template.

If unset, loads homepage.




Describes the parcellation selected. Depends on templateSelected. URI encoded value of the name of the selected parcellation.

If unset, or not a subset of parcellations supported by the selected template, the first parcellation of the selected template will be loaded instead




Describes the navigation state of the viewer.

Uses .. as a delimiter for key value, . as a delimiter for value and hash function to encode signed float to base64 string.

If unset, loads the default orientation.


// cNavigation=0.0.0.-W000..-J0_A.2_4alZ._DTi1.2-3oKv..7LIx..jFlG~.Efml~.M7am..10c2

const cNavigation = `0.0.0.-W000..-J0_A.2_4alZ._DTi1.2-3oKv..7LIx..jFlG~.Efml~.M7am..10c2`

// First, separate with key value delimiter
const [
] = cNavigation.split('..')

// For entries that are Array:

const orientationArr = orientationStr.split('.')
const perspectiveOrientationArr = perspectiveOrientationStr.split('.')
const positionArr = positionStr.split('.')

// check hash function for decodeToNumber
// To get values back:
const orientation = => decodeToNumber(v, { float: true }))
// [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]

const perspectiveOrientation = => decodeToNumber(v, { float: true }))
// [ 0.7971121072769165,  -0.14286760985851288,  0.17759324610233307,  -0.5591617226600647 ]

const zoom = decodeToNumber(zoomStr, { float: false })
// 264578

const perspectiveZoom = decodeToNumber(perspectiveZoomStr, { float: false })
// 1922235

const position = => decodeToNumber(v, { float: false }))
// [ -11860944, -3841071, 5798192 ]


Describe the regions selected.

Query value is an URI encoded JSON object. Upon decoding, keys represent the name of the segmentation layer (which is often different to selected parcellation). Value is a . delimited array of integer hashed to base64 string.

If unset, or if unable to decode, does not select region.


const cRegionSelected = `%7B%22interpolated%22%3A%`
const decoded = decodeURIComponent(cRegionSelected)

const parsed = JSON.parse(decoded)
const returnObj = {}
for (const key in parsed){
  const seg = parsed[key].split('.').map(v => decodeToNumber(v, { float: false }))
  returnObj[key] = seg

// { interpolated: [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 24, 25 ] }

hash function

 * First attempt at encoding int (e.g. selected region, navigation location) from number (loc info density) to b64 (higher info density)
 * The constraint is that the cipher needs to be commpatible with URI encoding
 * and a URI compatible separator is required. 
 * The implementation below came from 
 * While a faster solution exist in the same post, this operation is expected to be done:
 * - once per 1 sec frequency
 * - on < 1000 numbers
 * So performance is not really that important (Also, need to learn bitwise operation)

const cipher = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-'
export const separator = "."
const negString = '~'

const encodeInt = number => {
  if (number % 1 !== 0) throw 'cannot encodeInt on a float. Ensure float flag is set'
  if (isNaN(Number(number)) || number === null || number === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) throw 'The input is not valid'

  let rixit // like 'digit', only in some non-decimal radix 
  let residual
  let result = ''

  if (number < 0) {
    result += negString
    residual = Math.floor(number * -1)
  } else {
    residual = Math.floor(number)

  while (true) {
    rixit = residual % 64
    // console.log("rixit : " + rixit)
    // console.log("result before : " + result)
    result = cipher.charAt(rixit) + result
    // console.log("result after : " + result)
    // console.log("residual before : " + residual)
    residual = Math.floor(residual / 64)
    // console.log("residual after : " + residual)

    if (residual == 0)
  return result

const defaultB64EncodingOption = {
  float: false

export const encodeNumber = (number, option = defaultB64EncodingOption) => {
  const { float } = option
  if (!float) return encodeInt(number)
  else {
    const floatArray = new Float32Array(1)
    floatArray[0] = number
    const intArray = new Uint32Array(floatArray.buffer)
    const castedInt = intArray[0]
    return encodeInt(castedInt)

const decodetoInt = encodedString => {
  let _encodedString, negFlag = false
  if (encodedString.slice(-1) === negString) {
    negFlag = true
    _encodedString = encodedString.slice(0, -1)
  } else {
    _encodedString = encodedString
  return (negFlag ? -1 : 1) * [..._encodedString].reduce((acc,curr) => {
    const index = cipher.indexOf(curr)
    if (index < 0) throw new Error(`Poisoned b64 encoding ${encodedString}`)
    return acc * 64 + index
  }, 0)

export const decodeToNumber = (encodedString, {float = false} = defaultB64EncodingOption) => {
  if (!float) return decodetoInt(encodedString)
  else {
    const _int = decodetoInt(encodedString)
    const intArray = new Uint32Array(1)
    intArray[0] = _int
    const castedFloat = new Float32Array(intArray.buffer)
    return castedFloat[0]